Friday, March 30, 2007

Spring Reading Thing

Katrina over at Callapidder Days has challenged us with her Spring Reading Thing. You might be wondering . . .

Who: The Spring Reading Thing is open to anyone and everyone!

What: The Spring Reading Thing provides an opportunity for all of us to set goals when it comes to our personal (or family) reading. Everyone who wants to join the challenge will make a list of books they'd like to read (or books they need to finally finish!) this spring. We'll share our goals with each other, and then share our experience and results when the challenge is over.

When: March 21 through June 21, 2007. (Although, it may take me longer to read all of these, but I will read them!)

So here are the books that I would like to have read (no particular order, but I'll probably read all of the fiction first):

1. Overcoming Overload by Steve Farrar

2. Papa's Wife and Papa's Daughter by Thyra Ferre Bjorn

3. These High, Green Hills by Jan Karon

4. Nineteen Minutes by Jodi Picoult

5. Facing Your Giants . . . by Max Lucado

6. Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World by Joanna Weaver

7. The Quilter's Apprentice by Jennifer Chiaverini

8. Before I Wake by Dee Henderson

9. The Jane Austn Book Club By Karen Joy Fowler

10. Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers

Thursday, March 29, 2007

10 Things You Might Not Know About Me

(In no particular order . . . )

1. I used to have curly hair (really curly), but now it's pretty much straight.
2. I am a PK (pastor's kid).
3. I would usually rather be a follower and an introvert, but I must have some gifting in being a leader. I always seem to be put in positions or have jobs that have me leading or managing others. I've been told many times that I am good at it, but it's not what I am always looking to do.
4. I hate winter - except the week of Christmas . . . . ok, some of you may have caught on to this fact about me. I tend to get a bit whiney during winter.
5. Growing up I wanted a job where I handled money. I didn't necessarily want it myself, just liked counting it.
6. I could eat pizza and ice cream every day with out getting tired of them. Yum-O!
7. I love to color my hair. Recently, it has not been done in an attempt to save money.
8. I still babysit - or kid-sit as some of the cute kiddos tell me. The funny thing is that I still like to do it and I'm thinking parents like that I have my own transportation and have a bit more common sense and resposiblitity than many teenagers. I don't even charge - though some parents insist on still paying me.
9. I love cats and I have a strong dislike for dogs. For a while in college, I had several families ask me to house sit while they were out of town. Wouldn't you know it, they all had dogs, too. Ugh! At least I was able to have a few times away from the dorm and roommates.
10. I never dated until I met the man that is now my husband. While I thought it was not the greatest thing in high school, I like that this is how it turned out. :)

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Stepping Forward

Yesterday in our weekly staff meeting, we talked about the passage of Scripture that tells us of Mary Magdalene going to the tomb before it was light out. We talked about those times in our life when we step out in the darkness, knowing (or at least trusting) that God is there, He has a plan, and it's good.

Part of my plan for this blog is to help me journal about the here and now - the ordinary, daily things - so that I can look back at times of darkness and be encouraged about where God has taken me and what he has taught me. I intentionally used the word joy in the blog title to remind myself to not use this blog as a means to vent out the bad and ugly, but to use this blog as a way to see God's goodness and faithfulness in my life.

Now that I've said that, I can be held accountable for the entries. Yes, I will have bad days; and yes, I may even blog about them . . . but in the end I will also take the time to pray (even ask forgiveness, if needed) and use those days to grow in my faith.

I do have to put a plug in here for Nitty.Gritty's web site. Her recent posts on finding joy and living in the ordinary days have got me thinking. Thanks!

Monday, March 26, 2007

Open the Windows

Spring has sprung!!! After getting our last electric/gas bill, I turned the heat off. No more! I am so tired of paying through the nose for that stuff. Plus, we had kept our house at 59-61 degrees all winter . . . we could turn off the heat at the beginning of March and not freeze any more than we already had. Alright, some of you may say, "What???? That's really cold!!!!" But, we have no kids, we work a lot, and I'm not paying to heat my house when I'm not there. Plus, that's what the big warm quilts are for. So, this weekend the outside temp heated up to the 60s and, yes, that means it's time to air the house out and open the windows. I just love the breeze that come in! The sun is shining and I am finding great joy in that! And, if it rains . . . great . . . that just means that things will turn green faster.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Let's Go!

Well, this is my second attempt at starting a blog. I started one last year, got busy, and totally forgot my log in information along with the name of the blog?!?!?! So, now that I've emailed my self this very important information, let's go!

I haven't decided if I'm even going to tell my friends or family that I'm blogging. I guess we'll see where my thoughts lead me and then see how willing I am to be open with them. It's true, it's a lot easier when you don't have to look some one in the face having them know all of the rumblings going on in your head.

So since none of you know me, let me introduce my self. I'm married, work four jobs (yes that is right!), and have no kids (hence the four jobs). My husband and I came up with a plan a year ago to pay way down on our debt. This meant no credit card spending and working really hard for 12-16 months. I am now 13 months into it and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The fact that my hubby is applying for a promotion at work is just icing on the cake. We are praying that we can say bye-bye to all but one job for each of us soon!!! Words can not express my joy it this!