There are some things going through my mind, but I'm just too tired to put complete thoughts together. So, here are some ideas for future blog posts:
- Worship is a lifestyle, not just the 15-30 minutes before the sermon on Sunday. We are finishing up a small group study on this and I'd like to put some of my thoughts down about what I have learned and what I still need to learn. Note to self: Study ends in the next couple of weeks . . . work on this idea by the end of May.
- God timing vs our timing. I'd like to get down how I have seen this in my life and, currently, some struggles I have with patience and joy in this. I like to make plans, taking everything into consideration, and then moving forward. This waiting thing is not natural for me.
- Adoption . . . If we really are looking at this, let's put together what needs to be done, financially where do we stand, and what does our time line look like? Make this more than just a dream.
- Alright, honestly I want to lose weight . . . so I need to start doing more than working out . . . which has made some good changes, but now my eating needs to fall in line with this. What's my plan?
- Reading . . . now that I have more time to myself I will be reading more and watching TV less. I'd like to mix in some non-fiction and keep tract of what I'm learning. Plus, I'm part of the Spring Reading Thing and I really need to get more books read and reviews written. Yikes!
Ok, this may be more of a goal-type list, but stuff that I need to journal/blog about so that I can stay accountable to myself. Hey, and if anyone is really reading this, then I may just be held accountable even more. Who knows!
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