Thursday, March 22, 2007

Let's Go!

Well, this is my second attempt at starting a blog. I started one last year, got busy, and totally forgot my log in information along with the name of the blog?!?!?! So, now that I've emailed my self this very important information, let's go!

I haven't decided if I'm even going to tell my friends or family that I'm blogging. I guess we'll see where my thoughts lead me and then see how willing I am to be open with them. It's true, it's a lot easier when you don't have to look some one in the face having them know all of the rumblings going on in your head.

So since none of you know me, let me introduce my self. I'm married, work four jobs (yes that is right!), and have no kids (hence the four jobs). My husband and I came up with a plan a year ago to pay way down on our debt. This meant no credit card spending and working really hard for 12-16 months. I am now 13 months into it and seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. The fact that my hubby is applying for a promotion at work is just icing on the cake. We are praying that we can say bye-bye to all but one job for each of us soon!!! Words can not express my joy it this!

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